Consultation 15.03.2021


1.PP - storage, archive, technical rooms

1.NP - cloakroom + bag storage, shop, office, meeting

2.NP - picture - no sunlight
3.NP - statue

overall: - separated staircase from the exhibition
- considered the ramp, but it will be too long and using it as an exhibition hallway is not the best for the body. Standing a long time on a sloping ramp, the knees will start to hurt.  

-front desk with a hidden staircase behind

 15.03.2021    12:41
- single statue in the middle (light from skylight)
picture from Lumion

Another older option with offices in basement

 1.NP 2.NP -


  1. paráda.. pořádný posun správným směrem. Těším se dnešní konzultaci.



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